EP267: The 17 Year Old Hairdresser Who Entered and Won ‘Quif Centre Stage’ 2022
It might surprise you that a 17 year old hairdresser was the winner of Quif Centre Stage 2022. Yes at just 17 years of age Vinny-Lee Brennan entered and won the innagural Quif Centre Stage 2022. Quif Centre Stage is a brand new hair industry competition open to all levels of hair professionals and has […]
EP120: What it Means to be a Young Hairdresser in 2019 with Lizzie Williams
The hair industry has changed so quickly in ways never witnessed before! So what does this mean to be a young hairdresser who’s part of this new hairdressing landscape in 2019? At 21 years of age, todays guest Lizzie Williams represents the new heartbeat of young hairdressers. With social media and digital platforms in the […]
EP119: Why We Need to Give Young Hairdressers a Break! – with Sean Dawson
You’ve heard it all before. Young hairdressers, they’re not passionate! They can’t be bothered! They don’t work the hours we used too! Maybe you agree with these statements, but it so happens that todays guest certainly doesn’t. Joining me to discuss this contentious topic is one of our most respected British hairdressers, Sean Dawson. Today […]
EP102: How Young Hairdressers Can Find Industry Success – with Gianluca Caruso
This weeks guest has some great advice for all young hairdressers who are looking to find industry success. We’re joined today by current British Newcomer of the Year 2018 and educator at the Toni & Guy Academy, Gianluca Caruso. He will be offering all of you new into your hairdressing journey, bucket loads of tips […]