Podcast Special: Greatest Ever Hair Team with Guest Panel (Part 2)

Welcome to Part 2 of our podcast special, Greatest Ever Hair Team. In the episode we will continue to compile this team of hairdressing greats with a sprinkling of rising stars, too. Once more to help me select these names to join this exsclusive team, will be four of our How To Cut It  Patreon […]

Classic Reruns: Trevor Sorbie – An Interview with a Hairdressing Icon

Icon, legend, innovator. These were just a few of the words that I used to describe this very special guest who joined me on the podcast back in Episode 23. Yes, we were beyond excited (and a tad nervous) when I had one of my biggest honours of my life by interviewing the one and […]

EP056: John Spanton – Being Creative Colour Director for Trevor Sorbie International

John Spanton is the Creative Colour Director and Technical Education for Trevor Sorbie International. But what does it take to hold a position of this prestige and importance? Well, this exactly what we’re about to find out in today’s podcast. John role means he’s the leading creative force behind the colour output for the world […]

EP002: Tom Connell – Rise to art director at Trevor Sorbie

Tom Connell hairdresser

The first interview in the How To Cut It–In The Hairdressing Industry podcast, is with Tom Connell, the art director at Trevor Sorbie. Seeing Trevor Sorbie perform in a one-man-show, Tom knew from that moment onwards he wanted to work for the man himself. So, if you’ve been similarly inspired to work for a great name in […]