Building a Social Media Presence & Online Hair Community with Simon Townley

Today we launch the first of a brand new four part podcast series brought to you by leading professional haircare and hair colour brand, MATRIX. In this collaborative series we are inviting on to the show some of their ambassadors to share their industry expertise, knowledge and experiences to help you evolve your hairdressing careers. To Kick-off […]

EP187: Create Killer Content that Gets Bums on Seats, with Ben Lifton

Be honest here. Is the social content you’re creating as flat as pancake? If so, then its time we put the va-va-voom back into it. To help us do just that is todays guest, Ben Lifton – a total whizz kid when it comes to content creation! Ben has been responsible for helping thousands of hair […]

EP161: How to Retail Successfully in 2020 with Emil McMahon

Today’s guest Emil McMahon says,”I don’t believe hairdressers should sell anything.” Curious? I want you to learn from this conversation with Emil that to retail successfully in 2020 is not giving hard sales that you’re uncomfortable with, but more on how you need to be educating your clients on the products that you are using […]