EP293: Simon Butcher – A Journey into the Barbering World with ‘Hairground Lives’

Simon Butcher Hairground podcasts host and UK barber

Get ready to submerge into the world of barbering and men’s hairdressing as we explore the distinct disciplines and how this industry has been evolving over time. Joining us for this conversation is Simon Butcher aka Simon Hairground. With Simon’s wealth of experience as a Barber, Hairdresser, Podcaster and host of the popular weekly ‘Hairground […]

EP247: “NO SEX WE’RE BRITISH” with Dale Ted Watkins

“NO SEX WE’RE BRITISH” (Weird title, I know). But let me tell you that’s the name to the recent hair collection created by one of the most iconic names from the world of mens hairdressing and barbering, Dale Ted Watkins. A collection that explores and captures on film people who may express a combination of […]

EP202: The Barber Imposters with Paul Simmons

A couple of months back I saw a Facebook post by a respected UK barber and a How To Cut It Patreon member, Paul Simmons. His post referred to our interview with Rino Ricco in Episode 192 and how some of the points we discussed in that talked of a misunderstanding to the barbering industry. So […]

EP115: Getting Ahead in Mens Hair Fashion Work – with Charlie Cullen

These days the popularity of being a mens hairdresser is huge. There are fewer industries in the UK that have grown to the same extent as barbering. This means you’ve to be seriously talented and equipped with all the right technical skills in mens hair fashion work to rise above the competition in this barber explosion era. […]

EP055: Alan Beak – What Makes a Great Barber

Alan Beak is a truly great barber, but what makes a great barber? With the barbering and mens grooming industry at an all-time high, it’s never been so popular to be a barber. So if you’re an aspiring barber, you need to stand out and rise above the rest of the crowd. Thats why I’m […]

EP045: Leah Hayden Cassidy – Showcasing The Young Guns of Hair (Edition 2)

In Edition 2 of Showcasing The Young Guns of Hair – a series dedicated to putting the spotlight on hairdressings and barbering’s most exciting and innovative rising stars – I’m excited to introduce you all to International Platform Artist and men’s hair specialiast Leah Hayden Cassidy. Leah is a new generation of stars making a […]