EP248: Jack Howard – Remaining Relevant in an Ever-Changing Hair Industry Landscape

Who is Hairdresser Jack Howard balayage

Being relevant is essential in this extremely competitive hair industry world. Keeping up to date can help an individual or business become more dynamic and marketable to brands, hair professionals and clients. This is something that todays guest––the globally renowned hair colourist Jack Howard successfully does. In September 2022, Jack will celebrate 40 years in the […]

EP214: Gay and Proud! Coming Out with Justin Mackland

Coming out as gay can be a very difficult process. Thats why today we will be learning how hair colourist at the award winning Ishoka in Scotland, Justin Mackland , went about this very difficult process of telling his family and friends, whilst also dealing with the confusion of recognising his feelings as a young gay […]

EP110: The Creative Talent that is Harriet Stokes of Not Another Salon

In today’s episode I’m joined by one of British hairdressings most exciting new generation of stars, Harriet Stokes. A Senior stylist, colourist and international educator for the word famous Not Another Salon, I’m really keen to learn how under the guidance of Sophia Hilton, Harriet’s non-stop creative talent for strikingly tasteful hair has seen her go […]

#AskForWella Ep 1: Understanding UK Colour Trends – with Zoe Irwin (Promoted Series)

Zoe Irwin hairdresser

I’m really excited to be sharing with you the very first episode of our 3 part series: #AskForWella Podcast. A specially promoted series, we’ll be getting inside the minds of Wella Professionals Leading Colour Experts, sharing their top tips, hair hacks and future visions to help you smash-it in todays competitive hair colouring world. Kicking off […]

EP066: Sophia Hilton – An Interview with a Hairdressing Superstar

Today I have a very special guest: Sophia Hilton owner of Not Another Salon, Not Another Academy, and Not Another Social! An originator, influencer, creator, entrepreneur, giver, and a huge global following of superfans has turned Sophia into a hairdressing superstar. And in today’s episode I’m super-buzzed and honoured to be bringing this very special […]